Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 15, 2008

OMG!! I had a bad day before this day even started. Yesterday, not one but both of my patients cancelled! I am worried about this semester just for this reason. I don't feel like we even have a resource list to draw from, and by the emails I'm seeing I am wondering what is happening with the patients. It seems like everyone's patient is being taken out from under them. How is this happening? I gave my peer pal a patient that I didn't need and before she could call and schedule him, another student had already done so. I don't know how a patient that was given to me could have also been given to someone else unless I gave it to them, la la la...if that even makes any sense! ANYWAY..... I got a referral from my patient that cancelled and ended up working all morning on that patient and brought the same one back that afternoon and finished her so it all worked out thank goodness!!

1 comment:

Brandy-Dental Hygiene Student said...

Your the best peer pal ever. It has been nice to be able to ask you for help when needed. You have been a good friend. I hope that everything in the next couple of months goes well for you. Your blog page is cute. Mine is pretty boring. I really don't know how to add pictures and stuff. Have a good weekend.