Monday, November 26, 2007

We worked on emergency preparedness today. They said we will role play with these assignments during our 2nd year which will help because although everything is understood and seems easy today it doesn't sink in just by someone telling me about it...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Today was our mock patient day and I felt super stress.. It was okay, everything was good until I got to posterior scaling. It is just hard, that's all there is to it and it's dark in there, and scarry, and wet and sloppy and..... okay I know it will get better, just more practice! I will just try to have confidence in myself and take it from there.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We did a PSR today. I am getting better with probing. I also did the air powder polishing again and burnished Denae's cheek. I did the fluoride tx again as well and charting. It was a busy day and now I am running very late!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sealants were awesome. I really felt like I was doing something that I could figure out! I did 2 of Denae's teeth and have 3 more to go!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

We are the lunchladies!! Truly. We did the air powder polishing today and after that I am glad I was dressed in all that garb.....what a mess. I don't know how effective it was, I didn't notice a difference but maybe it would be noticeable on a tobacco chewer or something.... Another day down and I am feeling better about hygiene already!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ultrasonic scaling day - this was way fun! It was much easier because the instrumentation doesn't involve as much adaptation or angulation and it gets the job done, pretty much. I feel like it was okay today and I did a pretty good job.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

we were able to clean and polish today. It was really fun - and I was able to do it well!! Whoohoo!! Joni shoed us how to identify the correct working end of the scaler by using the end of the h6/7 away from the surface of the tooth it automatically makes that 70-80 degree angle. Same with the montana jack. I have to remember this because it actually made sense!

Monday, October 29, 2007

We practiced scaling all teeth today. I am so glad we got time to work on this. The angulation is still a struggle but I am getting it. I just think this is one of those things that needs a lot of practice. I practiced at home with a pencil and reread the nield book. HOWEVER, it's just not the same as practicing in a mouth with an instrument and an instructor nearby!!! I will just keep working on it. Angie gave me good advise though - we are worried more about the level of comfort of the patient than they actually experience so don't be afraid to retract the cheek!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It was the day for posterior scaling. We just worked on the typodonts and I am thinking it's better when we are working in the mouth. Things just didn't work out on the typodont. I am going to reread the manual.....

Monday, October 22, 2007

We worked from beginning to end with a patient today -end meaning through anterior scaling. Things are getting better. A little. I think I need a lot more practice scaling just to keep proper form when I am working on instrumentation. It's coming together though!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Today we worked on scaling the typodont & each other. It's not as damaging as I thought it might be. There's a lot to remember, posture, to make sure I put my elbows out and don't hold my shoulders high and scrunch my arms together. My main problem right now is that I like to put my pinky out and I use my thumb and index finger in a pinch position instead of a C. I am going to work on this.

Monday, October 15, 2007

We worked from beginning tx to full exploration. I can't believe it took a full hour and we only spot probed. Things are still coming together, I am always trying to remember everything I have been told but the minute that mouth opens I feel like it all goes out the window. I feel a little more comfortable with exploring (little is the key word) I am going to try to practice in the mirror on my own teeth. That way I can feel when I am not turning enough and it will give me practice w/indirect vision. I hope this helps....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

We got to do our disclosing today. Way fun. I am so glad I had a 97% PFI. It is interesting though because you can identify exact areas that are difficult. I practiced exploring just a little bit. Prof. Costley helped me. I get nervous when she's over my shoulder but she helps so much. I understand a little more each time and I am HOPING that I will be competent when it comes time to see patients!

Monday, October 8, 2007


We are working on charting and noting any deviations on teeth. This was interesting, we have to identify composites, crowns, amalgams, sealants, retainers - everything and then chart it. In order to be more proficient I definitely need to re-read the clinic manual on charting because now it will make more sense.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We worked on probing again today - note to self, to see the distal sides of the last molars look from the lingual side!! I think just more practice helps a lot. I am still going to work on exploring at home.

Monday, October 1, 2007

We learned about probing today which was not nearly as difficult as exploring. The hardest part is using the mirror for indirect vision and getting measurements on the distal molars. Kim told us that if you want you can probe straight down distally for the 2nd molars which helps because it starts getting really small back there and it's difficult to come in from the distal buccal line angle. I took my typodont & explorer home over the weekend and practiced a little. I think every little bit helps.

Monday, September 24, 2007

First Day With Actual Instruments on Each Other!!

This was intimidating - wait, I write that everytime huh? I must say I am much more confident with a q-tip - sharp things scare me. The angles were a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I think that practicing longer on the typodont would help a lot. I have to feel like I know what I am doing before I use my friends gumline. I am going to practice this with my typodont so that I am better at it on Wednesday. My goal is to do this without making DeNae's gums bleed!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Cool!! This was so interesting. I was able to view all the different structures inside the mouth, gingiva, tongue, papilla, ducts - you name it I saw it! I am going to try to get an order down so that I know that I've examined everything I am supposed to!

Monday, September 17, 2007


Today we worked with our mirror, proper technique and the uses. We also did our extraoral examinations. I have never had a hygienist do this to me before but I think that this is an important part of an exam, especially examining the lymph nodes, TMJ, etc. It was very interesting today and I feel like I learned a lot. I am practicing the things I learn outside of the class in hopes that when it comes time to take my test, everything will be like second nature.....PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Vital Signs

Today we worked on vitals, this is interesting. It's not really hard but it does take some practice which is what I am going home to do. I still am completely overwhelmed but things are getting a little better. I just try to keep going over steps and concepts mentally until they make more sense. What helps the most is to actually physically keep going through the steps.

Monday, September 10, 2007


I feel like everytime I blog I am overwhelmed and wondering how I am ever going to learn and REMEMBER everything. Information overload. I never thought it would be as involved as it is. I am learning a ton though. I think the health history is so interesting. It is good to be detailed and write down everything in order to cover yourself in a real dental setting. This is an area where if you are fast and sloppy it could end up in an emergency. The dental drug book is very interesting!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Clinical Assistant Duties --

okay, this is our theme for the day. We reviewed all the sterilization techniques, and making charts as well as talking about health history charts. I think it will all be so much easier once we actually start performing clinic duties. It's hard to remember things when everyone just tells you how to do it. I need to solidify these steps by actually physically going through them. I am going to reread the information we covered today to help make sense of everything.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What a fun clinic day -we went over proper positioning and air/water syringe. As a zero experience student I definitely struggle with terminology. I really have to think about what is being said and it makes me slower. I hate that!! I am amazed though at how much help I have here, so I feel confident that with extra effort I can manage to grasp the concept. I got over another hurdle today -passing off PE's, not as bad as I thought.

Monday, August 27, 2007

One day down...

There is a lot to think about. I've never visited a foreign country before but I have a strong feeling I can now feel empathy towards that. We worked on cleaning, setting up and breaking down our workstations. There is a lot to think about. Maybe if I keep reviewing the process mentally it will help. Right now it's difficult to remember when it's time to de and re glove!! I think it will also be difficult to pass off our PE's because we just barely learn a skill and then we will be on to something new. My goal will be to keep mentally reviewing when to glove and when to change gloves and which instruments need to wear condoms.....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What A Day!!

This is all fun and exciting...HOWEVER..I would like some lunch now!