Monday, February 25, 2008

Yes!! I had a class 3 today. Exciting but VERY intimidating. I basically only had enough time to debride the remaining mandibular teeth. I have never seen a mouth so diseased. I felt bad for the lady but at least I was able to clean a lot of calculus and plaque subgingivally. The plaque that is beneath the gingiva was black. Yes, I know we read about it, it's just a lot different seeing it. I hope she comes back so I can finish her. It was a very different experience from a 1B and it was interesting to see how the calculus comes off the teeth when there is so much of it.


Ryan and Katie Poulsen said...

Yea!! I am so happy for you. Pretty good for turn out for a day that started with a no show.

The Pyper's! said...

BLACK?? I think I would be scared! That is so awesome!