Monday, April 14, 2008

Clinic has been more than stressful as of late. I think we are all trying so hard to finish up requirements, PE's and classifications that we are all stressed and it's contagious. I can even feel it from the instructors because they are wanted everywhere!

As much as I planned and was prepared to have all classifications met, due to MANY no shows it hasn't worked out that way at all and now I am one of the scrambling ones. I think it will work out and be okay if everything goes smoothly though. So here's my plan. Be prepared, I have prethought through the appt and I know what I am going to do at each appt and what PE's need to be passed off. I learn something new or relearn something I thought I knew at every appt. Last week it was Vining reminding me that an MOD would be a restoration that goes OVER the mesial and the distal margin of the occlusal surface. I was just a little unsure and if it went to the mesial I would mark it as an MO. It actually has to go past the margin of the cusp. I still need to work on scaling technique, maybe I just shouldn't be afraid to ask....

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